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Civil Profile 3d Cut - Add depth of cut like Section Callout tool

Currently, the named boundary civil profile tool only takes a slice through a model. It would be extremely useful to be able to specify a depth (clip volume) to capture more geometry that what is being sliced through
about 2 years ago in Drawing Production / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 9 Future consideration

Simplifying Retaining Wall Construction: A Wingwall-Inspired Approach for Bridge Design

When the bridge needs a long “wingwall”, it break two part – a wingwall which is built with the abutment, and the rest part I call it “Retaining wall”. Is it possibly to make this retaining wall as easy as wingwall? That means like put the wingwal...
2 months ago in OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review

Sync all Surface Template tool

We need a tool to sync all or just the selected templates with one click. On large site projects, it's easy to get 100s of templates, if I change something on the library and want to apply that, I have to go through one by one and ask it to sync. ...
over 1 year ago in Modeling / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Ability to set the default printer independently from the Windows Default Printer

SignCAD doesn't remember user defined default printer user set in Print Settings.
9 months ago in OpenRoads SignCAD / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Ability to toggle Survey point decorators when referenced to other files

It would be helpful to have the ability to toggle on and off survey point decorators for a referenced survey file.
over 1 year ago in OpenRoads Designer 1 Future consideration

Add Ability to Place Civil Label With View Independent Setting When Using Leader in Civil Labeler

I am needing to enable the View Independent setting in Civil Labeler on text favorites using leaders. For example, I am using text favorites in Civil Labeler (that require leaders) to annotate existing right-of-way and property lines information a...

Copy multiple vertical elements

There's no option for copying multiple vertical elements - you can choose only one. My idea is to make the tool "Copy Vertical" similar to its equivalent in horizontal ("Copy Element") which allows to copy multiple elements.
12 months ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Named Key Station

Key Station is defined as a station of an alignment, and additional information can't be added. I think it would be great to able to assign a name to the Key Station and use this name in the other modelling that requires station inputs. This will ...
over 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer 0 Future consideration

XSLT 2.0 Support - Civil Reports

Who would like to have more capable Civil Reports? Currently, OpenRoads Designer relies on the XSLT 1.0 Transformation Language for generating Civil Reports. This language was published in 1999, now 24 years ago. In 2009, a much more full-featured...
over 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Reports 0 Future consideration

Civil File Manager Tool Enhancement to Include Product Version Information on All .dgn Files

In, the Civil File Manager tool logs both the “Schema Version” and “Product Version” of a .dgn. However, the Civil File Manager tool appears to look at the schema that is in the .dgn file and then the product used to create that schema....
10 months ago in User Interface 0 Future consideration