Please update the OpenX product(s) so that any DGN can be opened for editing no matter what product authored the file as long as it remains in the same Major schema version
Suggest any DGN can be opened by any product (Site/Rail/Road/Bridge) regardless of authoring
This is the best scenario for file interoperability
Files may come in from external sources authored in one product but receiving entity is not using that product
IE) Product authored in OpenRoads 10.12 but needs to be opened in OpenBridge 10.12
Example: Currently some files cannot be "aligned" from ORD to OBM/OBD due to specific ORD schema content
Response from Bentley is there is no way currently to identify the object in the file preventing the alignment from one product to the other.
If that is not feasible, suggest that any elements that are product specific be read-only/uneditable but the overall DGN can be modified.
Example same as above
Ideas adjacent to this are: BCI-I-1242 and BCI-I-1077
Civil Product Used | OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer, OpenBridge Designer, OpenBridge Modeler |