On longsection profile drawings annotate slope as per design settings
We set our drawings in design setting as a slop Ratio, when producing the longsection they come out as percentage always. Why is it important, my Client wants it as a ratio
Automatic reporting of the Text Favorites generated in sheets
Being able to extract the automatically Text Favorites within the sheets such as cross section and longitudinal section. Being able to extract the alignment name and chainage range field as well. This will assist greatly on major projects to suppl...
Import Superelevation allows beyond limit of Super Section
I would like to request a feature that prevents or warns about applying transitions to lanes that go beyond the station limit of the superelevation section when using the “Import Superelevation” tool. This is because this situation can cause poten...
There's a process that seems a bit confusing in order to create plan profile sheets. We thought this was the desired workflow: • Create 2D Plan/Profile file for sheet creation • Reference in terrain file and make terrain active • Reference in alig...
Using corridors, add event point templates which can report calculated light levels. Add tools allowing for statistical analysis of those points. Improve overall lighting layout capabilities to allow for arrays or periodic placement. Improve lumin...
A configuration variable for the arc hand direction label to change the "CCW" or "CW" definition to a new value like "LT" or "RT"? We would prefer to have this dynamic for the text favorite. If a user was to label with the civil labeler they would...
over 1 year ago
in Annotation
Future consideration
I need to create a quick profile that can be graphically manipulated BEFORE I create a corridor or do any detailed design.
The Bentley training videos all create a corridor and cross sections before a profile is created that can be edited. I need a profile of the existing ground BEFORE I do any detailed vertical profile design. That way I can see if it works visually ...
Civil Labeler from Corridor - Maintain Label when corridor feature definition changes
Right now, if we set a corridor feature definition to "Top Mesh" only display and then label that mesh with civil labeler, the label will break if we change the corridor feature definition again. This makes it hard to use the civil labeler with a ...