I would ensure that my vertical and horizontal alignments are the same length by using the Trim/Extend buttonn in geomtery editior in Power Rail Track - can we have the same functionility in ORD please? I know I can snap vertical alignment to the ...
Allow for Hydraulic calculations and profile creation while using tap nodes
Tap nodes are incredibly useful but do not allow for hydraulic modeling or for profile runs. I'd prefer to use tap nodes over transitions because they are easier to use and do not break trunklines into segments. This would help with profiles, pipe...
When using display rules Type it would be useful to have an option of values between A-B, not only >, = , and >=. This way you can choose between multiple versions of a component. Example absolute horizontal 0-1 Curb type F, 1-2 type A, 2-3 ...
Add ability to set default Engineering Libraries for all users
As it stands, I can make a new Engineering Library on a network drive to share with other users, but if I wanted to make that library the "default", I can't without having to make the change for each individual user.
Maintain Item Types when extracting drainage or utility model from survey graphics.
When using "Extract From Graphic" tool to create a drainage or utility model object, the extraction process fails to bring the Item Type from the source object (in this example a surveyed gas line), leading the user to reattach the Item Type to th...
Civil configuration variables exist for opening a default/workset template library (CIVIL_ROADWAY_TEMPLATE_LIBRARY) and for the default path when performing a save as on a template library (CIVIL_ROADWAY_TEMPLATE_LIBRARY_SAVEAS) but when opening a...
Would like the ability to dynamically rotate a point feature.
We would like the ability to dynamically rotate a Point Feature, like we can do with a regular cell. Currently you can only enter a rotation by manually entering a number into the dialog box.