Add more Display Options for Placing Terrain Slope Labels at a Single Point on a Terrain
Currently, the only way to place a single point slope label on a terrain is using the "Analyze Point" tool which works ok, but there are no options at all for controlling the display of the label placed. We would like to have the ability to place ...
It would really be helpful for users with OBD to not have to open OBD prior to opening OBM. That is a big pain point that I get a lot of complaints about. Also it is very confusing for users at first, they don't understand why they can't just clic...
I need to see slope on the Longsection as a Ratio (not percentage)
We set our drawings in design setting as a slope Ratio, when producing the longsection they come out as percentage always. but it should come out as a ratio as per our settings. Why is it important, my Client wants it as a ratio
For the OpenCivil products, it would be nice to have the civil preferences folders that are located under C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Bentley\OpenRoadsDesigner\<version>\prefs (both the civil and civil_commands folders) use the b...
Corridor Objects Dialog box to stay put after creating parametric constrains/point controls and etc.
The corridor objects dialog box is currently disappearing whenever you try to add parametric constraints/point controls/curve widening/end condition exception/external reference and etc. This would be much better if we could have at least make the...
Ability to define the slope of any points within the dynamic section using the measure tools
Having the ability to quickly check both existing and design crossfall/superelevation would increase efficiency within the program as there would be no requirement to run a template and report to evaluate existing cross slopes
Seperating the "add point control/parametric constraint" and "delete point control/parametric constraint" buttons within the corridor objects tool.
Many times a day I accidently delete a point control or parametric constraint when I'm trying to add. The buttons are extremely close, is there a way to move the delete button further away?
Currently, Drainage and Utilities feature definitions get captured via the CIVIL_CONTENTMANAGEMENTDGNLIBLIST variable within the workspace. Many configurations often use wildcards and file names that lump together features of D&U with road, ra...
Ability to export and import all corridor objects such as point controls to enable rebuilding of corridors
I know parametric constraints can be exported but if a corridor becomes corrupt then being able to rebuild it from scratch easily would be useful. Similar to an input file in MX