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OpenRoads Compress Options

There seems to be a need to Compress or purge out unused OpenRoads Feature Definition, Feature Symbology, Annotation Groups, Annotation Definitions. Compressing out unused "Stuff" in a MicroStation DGN file seem to be a normal function of MicroStation. The ability to compress out unused OpenRoads Standards would be useful. This can clutter up the DGN

file and can increase the size and possible decreased the performance of file processing. There also appears to be issues with Item Types assigned to features definitions and Civil elements within OpenRoads not being removed from the DGN when the Civil Elements are deleted. A purge option for Civil data within a file could also help clean up these extra Item Types that linger in the DGN file when used within civil elements.

key - in compress options

Civil Product Used OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer, OpenTunnel Designer, OpenBridge Designer, OpenBridge Modeler