ORD DU File recovery tools would be extremely handy when dealing with support issues. I've had to deal with a support ticket where the file is crashing upon opening several times now, and being able to run some tools outside of ORD would be extremely helpful for this.
What I ended up having to do, is run it a different version, let it crash, and hope that one of the tools would run (model integrity check) and would save when it cleaned up the file so that it would open so I could compress it and clean it up more.
Civil Product Used | OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer |
We'd love to make our software not require a recovery tool. We'd rather just fix the product directly. Thanks!
Really? the Admin response is "We'd rather just fix the product directly ???!?" Well, gee whiz, Wally - that would be really neat! Unfortunately, we're still waiting on the product to be fixed so it doesn't need recovery tools. Real world news flash- our clients typically dictate what versions of software we are allowed to use on their Projects, not the Bentley developers. So sick of this BS about never fixing ANYTHING in a version that is out there being used in the real world, it's all about what "will be addressed in the next upcoming version/schema release".... PLEASE STOP putting out new versions of this dung heap and FIX what you already published. We just got approved to start using ORD 2023 -It may be a year and a half or more until our clients move forward to 2024, by which time I expect Bentley will be on 25 or 26, NONE of which are back and forth compatible between 'versions', and frankly their "Downgrade Civil" tool should be called the Prayer Mode Converter (aka the 'shot in the dark/hit or miss/hope I don't lose much/maybe it will actually work this time' tool).
I fixed the file, I'm just asking for a way to run some commands that you can run in ORD outside of the file itself to clean it up and recover them. I avoid asking Bentley AT ALL COST because the support tickets never get anywhere. By the time I spend half my day making a video to show what the problem is, all we usually get back is "we can't replicate it" and it gets set to "Waiting for User to respond" and then closed without resolution.