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Export DWG special mode for sheets and deliverables

ArchiCAD, Sketchup and Revit have a very nice workflow for creating DWG deliverables.

Basically, the software merge all the viewports in the model like an array and then creates a viewport of each in the sheet.

They also dumb down all the smart civil/text elements and annotations.

This could be an option when exportin only sheets so we don`t end with blank models.

That also could solve many annotations, lines and other similar problems that usually happen with different scales.

Field texts could also be dropped to plain..

I can send a dwg export from one of them as an example.

But just check how Layout (trimble) exports.. Or ArchiCAD..

I feel like the dwg export from OpenRoads tries to recreate a dgn file as a dwg. But that sometimes leads to a lot of problems and incompatibilities.

A specific tool for creating deliverables, with just this focus in mind. Just get the sheet as a dwg to clients.

Civil Product Used OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer
    Feb 1, 2024

    Exporting to dwg already exists. If there's specific problems you're having with the results, please contact support.

  • Guest
    Feb 1, 2024

    The request is for a new mode for DWG export.. Did you at least checked the references I gave?

    It's not a problem with the in built tool, it's a request for it to do something new and different..

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