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Stacked Cross Section easier workflow

Create a better workflow for stacked cross sections. No need for complex seeds and dgnlibs.

Just choose if we want to stack everything in a drawing model or in a sheet, how many rows and columns and hit enter.
Maybe define the offsets and get a preview.
One windown, easy process and with no need of any seed...
Even Civil3D has something way better..

Take a look at this forum link and tell me the process isn't broken..

Civil Product Used OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer
    Jan 25, 2024

    We have no intent to change the core of our plans production engine currently.

  • Guest
    Jan 29, 2024

    No need for core changes! But at least improvenmnets to the process and UI or better seeds creation/edit tools.

    If I mess up anything during the creation, I have to start from the begging again. No post edit.

    For example doing two seeds, with and without annotation. No way to duplicate or anything similar.

    And then the seed is a complex link between Saved Views, Named Boundaries, Drawings, Sheets and References. For begginers is such a mess to understand.. I've struggle for months just to understand that the name i get when using the seed comes from the Saved View..