Allow assignment of VBA Macros by Feature Definition instead of by Alpha Code
In InRoads, multiple alpha codes assigned to a single Feature all shared the same custom codes and other survey settings. Having to duplicate any VBA Feature Macros to every alternative Alpha Codes complicates maintenance and is a source of uninte...
Ability to drag and drop Point and Component Feature Definitions
We are able to drag and drop within the Active Template in the Components section to add or remove a child. We would like it to expand the ability to Point and Component Feature Definitions as well as Alternate Surfaces and Parametric Constraints....
ORD to allow vertical profile offset tool to snap to CAD lines. When alignments change horizontally, profile offsets do not retain snaps to features including CAD lines.
Contents of terrains currently can't be viewed or edited. Features can be added and removed from a terrain but there is no viewable info on these elements. What elements is the terrain created from? What elements are used for triangulation? Survey...
Add Ability to report both values XY of alignment and XY of the cursor to Analyze Point tool Currently choosing civil analysis by point, x - y val
ue is only given for the alignment to analyze the point but the actual point coordinate at it's loca...
Wants ability to put the x,y,z, of the centreline location of the crosssection in a text favorite and place this in the cross section.
Wants ability to put the x,y,z, of the centreline location of the crosssection in a text favorite and place this in the cross section. In addition the Raw data high and low coordinates of the namedboundary of a cross section are available. but whe...
Profile Grid Annotation - Place as Point Cell versus Graphic Cell
Currently, when a profile is annotated along
the grid, the text is placed as a Graphic Annotation Cell. For right to left profiles, the easiest fix is to create Annotation Gro
ups and Definitions that basically annotate the text backwards. Then, ...