Would like to be able to have slope dimensions show a suffix of (SK) when showing skewed slopes or be able to define it to display with dual dimensions. The dual dimensions would show the actual plotted skewed slope 5.74:1(SK) and the designed slo...
Add ability to modify annotation group from reference without overrides
In 21 R2, the capability was added to override an annotation group. This appears the only way to be able to modify a local anno group from a referenced dgn. I would advocate to add the ability to override anno groups in the dialog when creating sh...
Include Civil Labels in Pen Table Element Selection Criteria
A client requires background fill in certain annotation notes, which is controlled by a pen table definition. Civil Labels are not included as a selectable Element Selection Criteria Type in the pen table dialog. Text background is insufficient fo...
This tool was very useful for placing cells such as "raised pavement markers" at set distance intervals along very long stretches. Without this tool, plans involving tasks such as these, especially in transportation plans, take much longer.
I am going back to the SS2 versions. I would like to see an option to produce 1 profile for the entire alignment. Give it the station range and produce the profile in Microstation with an option to annotate The same for Cross-Sections. Station Ran...
Need the ability to define sequence number other than at the end of the filename
We have a standard naming convention that uses sequence numbers which are in the middle of the filenames. This has been our standard for over twenty years. Additionally, we require each sheet to be in a separate file for multiple flexibility and a...
Grid Text Rotated with Tick under Plan Grid Annotation
In Plan Grid annotation, grid texts (northing and easting) can only rotate or oriented with the view of drawing model but NOT able to rotated with the tick mark (+) or grid line.
Please add the option to automatically assign coordinate systems to drawing and sheet models based on the design models and to place the sheets coincidently even when they contain drawing boundaries. Right now, we cannot create georeferenced pdfs ...
If I have a pipe and I need to cut a cross section along the pipe, And that pipe has a bend in it, I can't use the 2 point method, I need one that allows for bends and twists and turns. If the annotation is based on the type/purpose then swapping ...