feature definition - browser all element that used a specific feature definition
Get a list of elements using a specific feature definition. Similar to level usage. This "select by graphic filter" filter only feature type that compose a terrain model.
Ability to Rearrange the Point Order of Template Components
While using the display rules to switch between the two components. If the components are created in different point order the mesh created does not resolve correctly. For example. One component is created clockwise and other anticlockwise order o...
Add profiles from different horizontals to a rollplot sheet
Would like an easier way to add multiple profiles to a single sheet that belong to different horizontal alignments. Specifically we're looking for a way to quickly place all the drainage profiles (which below to different horizontal alignments) on...
Cross section view should show Point name of a template drop
when using the point control function. It is expected to see the names of points of a template drop in the cross section view. This would be utilized when using the point control function.
Editing the location of an intersection point by just clicking and moving it was possible in PowerRail track - can we have that functionality back as it's a good tool to quickly see changes in alignment when optioneering.
In current version we do not have flexibility to change height/depth of a node from default 5.25 feet. At times we need lesser deep Nodes which does not require more than 1 or 2 feet of cover from soffit of conduit.
I am having an issue where symbology overrides and annotation scale is not impacting my sheet file (default, drawing and sheet models) the way it should. It seems to be emulating the situation described by the user who posted to Bentley Communitie...
There was a command in Geopak called Copy Chai
n Parallel that was very useful in creating offsets of survey chains, and creating new points at constant delta elevations. We are
looking for the same function to be added in OpenRoads Designer.
Contents of terrains currently can't be viewed or edited. Features can be added and removed from a terrain but there is no viewable info on these elements. What elements is the terrain created from? What elements are used for triangulation? Survey...