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Unable to report on Geometric Points direction relative to an Alignment.

In OpenRail Designer, unable to output the direction information when comparing geometry points to a baseline alignment. In Bentley Rail Track we were able to create clearance reports that included the direction. It appears OpenRailDesigner's repo...
9 months ago in OpenRail Designer 2 Needs review

Request for Sideslope End Condition Targets Between Multiple Roadway Alignments in ConceptStation

This product idea proposes an enhancement to ConceptStation that would allow the sideslope end conditions on multiple roadway alignments to target each other to prevent overlapping slopes. Currently, this is only possible with the intersection, ro...
8 months ago in OpenRoads ConceptStation 0 Needs review

Fiber Mesh Cross Sectional Analysis

Con sider adding fiber-mesh tools for cross section analysis to RMBRIDGE. This allow the use of different materials in the cross section. This is important in seismic analysis for the definition of the Moment-Curvature properties. This feature is ...
3 months ago in Analytics / OpenBridge Designer 0 Needs review

DU tool to update node name by feature definition

The name of the nodes are defined at placement by the selected Feature Definition. It's common for it to be changed during the design process. For these cases, all altered nodes must be manually renamed. This usually is done through selection or u...
about 2 months ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Needs review

Multiple linked speed schemes to each cant table

I would like to have the possibility to link multiple speed schemes/train categories to each cant table in a way that makes it possible to create a report that includes cant, cant deficiency, sudden changes etc, for all speed schemes in one place ...
about 1 month ago in CANT / OpenRail Designer 0 Needs review

Turnout profile elevation in reports

We need the ability to get the profile elevation from the turnout points to the turnout report.
5 months ago in OpenRail Designer / Turnouts/Crossings 0 Needs review

PMM non-linear springs

We would like to ask a PMM non-linear spring for modeling Plastic Hinges for reinforced-concrete Columns. This PMM springs are used for modeling the Moment-Rotation (M-R) behavior for different axial loads (P). The PMM spring should be able to cap...
2 months ago in Analytics / OpenBridge Designer 0 Needs review

Itwin cannot synch .dgndb files using the online connector.

The connector for .dgndb is only available in the desktop synchronizer. Shouldn´t it be available in the online portal?
3 months ago in Import/Export / OpenRail ConceptStation / OpenRoads ConceptStation 0 Needs review

Ability to lock Survey features when reprocessing field book

I made a change to a specific feature and I want to somehow lock the specific feature so it does not change when the field book is reprocessed. Example If I set Terrain Model Attribute of a point to "Do Not Include" then It should stay as that eve...
9 months ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenSite Designer / Survey 0 Needs review

Enhancement to the Coordinate System Tool: Include the chosen coordinates to future sheet views and models

To improve time management and work productivity, I thought modifying the Coordinate System tool to add a feature that will apply the County/Coordinate System to all future sheets and models created in the file. Currently, when we use the 'CreateF...
7 months ago in OpenRoads Designer 1 Needs review