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Drainage and Utilities

Showing 8

Drainage Profile Change Property (Color/linestyle)

Currently, Profiles are drawn according to the feat definition/element templates of a node and/or conduits. There are times we need to differentiate the difference between an existing network vs proposed. eg. all proposed are required to be solid ...
8 months ago in Drainage and Utilities 1 Planned

ORD SUDA - drainage profile view

Currently when profiling a Utility (nodes and conduits), the lines on the nodes and conduits are "closed". Old Inroads Storm/Sanitary had open connections. Agency we submit the plans want us to show that connection as open. Only option at the mome...
9 months ago in Drainage and Utilities 3 Planned

Combining Properties Menus

It would be super helpful if I didn't have to search two different property menus for where to change specific properties. If the general properties menu and the ORD DU properties menu could be more centralized into one properties menu, this would...

Allow drainage nodes to show up as a cell (catch basin, headwall, end section) in profile view.

Drainage nodes show up in 2D as the cell/feature definition it is designated like an end section. It would be useful if that same feature would show up in the profile view for drainage profiles. It currently works for the "utilities" part of "Drai...

Automate Node labelling in Cross Section drawings

We need to be able to label nodes in cross sections drawings automatically. At the moment, this can only be done one node at a time, unlike conduits, which can be labeled automatically.

Make editing catchment areas more user friendly

When you initially create a drainage area from a shape, it creates 'smart' vertices that you can grab and move with the cursor. However, after the initial catchment shape is created, the only way to add additional vertices is using the "Insert Ver...

DU Analytic Symbology Improvement

When i call a Feature Definition in a text favorite or in my element symbology (Analytic Symbology), it allways comes with it's path. It's usually a long path and it just mess my view display with too much info. The ability to just show the name w...

Add Offset Format options to the Baseline Offset Text Favorite

Add the Offset Format options that are available for the Point Offset text favorite (Positive Prefix, Negative Prefix, Positive Suffix, Negative Suffix, and Show Sign) to the Drainage Baseline Offset text favorite.